E eeh eeh, eh, eeh eeh:
Ndzota ike ajaja bu ke Chipfu,
Ndzota ike ajaja bu nk’iya ah.
Ndzota ike ajaja bu ke Chipfu,
Ndzota ike ajaja bu nk’ iya ahaa.
Onyenweike, bu Onyenwemnu.
Onyenwemnu, bu Onye nwe ndzu.
Nnajiphu b’obu, Nnajiphu b’obu,
G’ajaja duru iya, g’ajaja duru iyaaa,
obuoma bu nk’iya, obuoma bu nk’iyaaa.
Ndzota ike ajaja bu ke Chipfu,
Ndzota ike ajaja bu nk’iya ah,
Ndzota ike ajaja bu ke Chipfu,
Ndzota ike ajaja bu nk’iya ahaa.
Eze bi n’igwe, mma mma diri gi,
afoma diri gi, otito diri gi:
Onyenweanyi k’obu, Onyenweanyi k’obu,
okwesiri inye ekene,
okwesiri inye otito, okwesiri inye otito.
Ndzota ike ajaja bu ke Chipfu,
Ndzota ike ajaja bu nk’iya a.
Ndzota ike ajaja bu ke Chipfu,
Ndzota ike ajaja bu nk’iya ahaa.
G’anyi kua ya akuku oh,
G ’anyi te ya eteteoh,
G’anyi kwe ya ekwekwe oh, alleluia.
G’anyi kwere iya Hossana, oooo hossana,
Alleluiaaa, sing hossana to the Lord.
Alleluiaaa, sing hossana to the Lord.
Diri gi n’enu kasi n’enu.
Alleluiaaa, sing hossana to the Lord.
Salvation and power belong to our God
His judgements are true and just.
Praise our God, all you his servants (yee),
You who fear him both small and great. yes
The Lord our God, the Almighty, reigns
Let us re rejoice and exult and give him the glory.
The marriage (yes yes) of the Lamb has come,
And his bride has made herself ready.
Nzoputa na otito na ike bu nke Chukwu- (ee eh)
Ikpe ya bu ezi okwu n’ikpe (eeh eeh eeh) kwuoto.
Too-nu Chukwu umu odibo ya nile, (cheei)
Ndi na atu ya egwu ma ndi nta ma ndi ukwu.
Dinwenu Chineke anyi (eeh eeh), ji ike nile n’achi
Ka anyi nuribanu bunie ya enu, ma nyekwa ya otito.
Agbam akwukwo nwaturu erugo (cheei)
Nwunye ya akwadosigo onweya ofuma. Alleluia.
G’ajaja buru ke Chileke, oo yebe Chileke ono be kakota iphemiphe ike, (uuu, uuu kee)
L’ikpe iya bukwa okpobe ikpe, byia aburu ikpe pfuru oto,
Unu jaa (ikpe pfuru oto) Chileke ajaja iphe bu udu ejeru (Chileke) Chileke
(uuu, uuu,kee Chim mee, kee) ozi g’unu ha;
unu kele iya unube ndu atsu iya ebvu; onye upfu me onye nta.
G’ajaja buru ke Chileke,(g’ajaja) Nnajiuphu anyi, bu Chileke ono, bu Okalibe-Kakota – Ike
(Chim eh) be goshiakwaru (Chim eeh) l’oo ya bu eze,achi iphemiphe nta (Kee),
G’ehu tsoo anyi utso (eeh eeh); g’anyi tee eswa (duu duu)tesia ya ike;
(turu turur turur ooh ooh) g’anyi jaa ya ajaja ke odu-biribiri iya
duru duru turu turur tururu.
Le nta be onye ono, bu Nwaturu Chileke ono be o rwuakwaru l’alu nwanyi (yee)
Nwanyi obu, (Chileke), oobyia alulu obu be kwaakwaru onwiya akwa (kee) ngaberu iya.
Alleluia. Haa ikputu jaah Alleluia.
Salvation and glory and power belong to our God,
His judgements are true and just. eeh
Praise our God, all you his servants, eh eeh
You who fear him both small and great.
The Lord our God, the Almighty, reigns, eeh
Let us rejoice and exult and give him the glory. Eeh eeh eeh, e eh eeh eeh.
The marriage of the Lamb has come
And his bride has made herself ready. Alleliua:
Alleluia, eh, alleluia, eh, alleluia, eeh, alleluia, eh,alleluia
Alleluia,eh, alleluia, eh, allelliua, eeh, alleluia,
Ha ikputu jaaah Alleluia:
Alleluia, alleluia,eh, alleliua, eeh, alleluia, alleluia
Alleluia, eh, alleluia, eeh, alleluia,eh,
He he he he
Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, alleliua, alleluia,alleluia
Hin hin hin. Ho hin