Testo e Musica: Mary Anne Ekwutonam Nwiboko
Edizioni: Midorč Gruppo Editoriale
A Child is born A baby is born A child of God is born Glory, glory in the highest He was born in a manger in Bethlehem of Judah He was wrapped in glory in the midst of sheeps Glory, glory in the highest Oh! See how the shepherds are moving around God the Son Oh! See how, the angels are moving around the King of Kings The Angels of God sang a song of joy Glory in the highest Glory in the highest Glory, glory in the highest heaven gloria A Child is born A baby is born A child of God is born Glory, glory in the highest Let us join the choirs of Angels of God singing glory in the highest Glory, glory in the highest Hossana, hossana Hossana, hossana Hossana in the highest In the highest heaven Angels are singing - glory. All the Cherubims of heaven are singing - glory. All the Serahpims of heaven are singing - glory. Glory to the new born King, his name is Emmanuel. The King of Kings and Lord of Lords. A Child is born, A baby is born, A child of God is born. Emmanuel is born. Emmanuel is God with us.